
Socialist superheroes and the villainy of gentrification

By David Hughes

Like Superman during the Great Depression, today’s superheroes are in-sync with our complex political climate.

How the battle for diversity is being won on the small screen

By Dominic Preston

While Marvel’s Luke Cage is tackling race issues head on, progress is much slower in the studio’s cinematic universe.

The fantastic story of the worst superhero movie ever made

By Tom Bond

Roger Corman’s unreleased 1994 film The Fantastic Four was doomed from the start.

Why Unbreakable remains the ultimate superhero movie

By Alex Hess

M Night Shyamalan’s understated 2000 drama is anathema to the box-office behemoths of today.

Good to be bad – why supervillains are here to stay

By Victoria Luxford

The hype around Suicide Squad suggests audiences are keen to see more of their favourite comic-book antiheroes.

Should we be wary when our favourite actors become superheroes?

By Tom Bond

The prospect of Brie Larson as Captain Marvel is cause for celebration and concern.

Why Spider-Man 2 is the greatest blockbuster of the 21st century

By Elena Lazic

Sam Raimi’s franchise midpoint is a perfect superhero sequel – a film with a sincere belief in humanity.

Why Superman Returns is the greatest blockbuster of the 21st century

By Mark Asch

Rejecting the physics of an ever-expanding comic book universe, Bryan Singer’s Superman reboot has passed the test of time.

Dreaming Big – The greatest blockbusters of the 21st century

By Little White Lies

Twelve writers pin their colours to the tentpole in our survey of the best summer movies of the modern era.

Why are superhero movies so reluctant to embrace sexual diversity?

By Matt Burton

Shape History director Mike Buonaiuto believes introducing LGBT characters is only half the battle.

It’s time for Hollywood to change its attitude towards LGBTQ+ characters

By Victoria Luxford

Social media campaigns like #LGBTSuperheroes are exposing the movie industry’s worrying lack of diversity.

How the X-Men franchise echoes The Usual Suspects

By Jonathan Bacon

The legacy of Bryan Singer’s 1995 masterpiece survives in his sprawling mutant odyssey.

X-Men: Apocalypse

By Adam Woodward

The third instalment in the rebooted comic book franchise is a colossal failure on every conceivable level.


Tales of Cinema No. 1 – Chris Hemsworth’s Abs

By Mark Asch

Intimidating and otherworldly, the Australian actor’s impeccable physique has earned him the title of Manliest Man in Hollywood.

Captain America – the last good guy

By Victoria Luxford

Five years after making his big screen bow, Chris Evans’ patriotic do-gooder continues to stand out in a world of antiheroes.

Captain America: Civil War

By David Jenkins

Hey kids! Captain America’s back, and he’s brought some lively political views with him.


Watch Benedict Cumberbatch in the first trailer for Doctor Strange

By David Jenkins

The Sherlock star goes through the looking glass in Marvel’s mind-bending latest.

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About Little White Lies

Little White Lies was established in 2005 as a bi-monthly print magazine committed to championing great movies and the talented people who make them. Combining cutting-edge design, illustration and journalism, we’ve been described as being “at the vanguard of the independent publishing movement.” Our reviews feature a unique tripartite ranking system that captures the different aspects of the movie-going experience. We believe in Truth & Movies.

