Posts by Melita Cameron-Wood

Inside the wild world of film-to-book novelisations

By Melita Cameron-Wood

Alan Dean Foster, who has adapted the likes of Alien and Star Wars for the page, explains the highly specific art of transforming sci-fi epics into page-turners.

How do you create a real fake language?

By Melita Cameron-Wood

David J. Peterson, who has worked on Game of Thrones and Dune, reveals the secrets behind creating the languages which bring fantasy worlds to life.

Jaime Leigh McIntosh: ‘We weren’t stuck in this idea of what the 1920s should look like’

By Melita Cameron-Wood

The head of the hair department on Damien Chazelle's Babylon explains how the team defied convention in order to create a fresh vision of the roaring twenties.

Ollie Laker: ‘More people have been up Mount Everest than to the rainforest canopy’

By Melita Cameron-Wood

For rope access and rigging expert Ollie Laker, filming high above the trees is just another day at the office.

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About Little White Lies

Little White Lies was established in 2005 as a bi-monthly print magazine committed to championing great movies and the talented people who make them. Combining cutting-edge design, illustration and journalism, we’ve been described as being “at the vanguard of the independent publishing movement.” Our reviews feature a unique tripartite ranking system that captures the different aspects of the movie-going experience. We believe in Truth & Movies.

