In collaboration with Girls on Tops, we’re thrilled to present a new video essay by emerging filmmaker and animator Grace Lee, whose brilliant The Baths was featured as part of this year’s Random Acts shorts programme.
Lee is a talented video essayist too, and her latest effort is a fascinating deep dive into one of our favourite horror movies of recent years, French writer/director Julia Ducournau’s subversive 2017 feature Raw.
The video starts off by examining the cultural shift from ghosts to zombies to cannibals, with Lee then homing in on the central metaphor of Ducournau’s film – a young woman learning about identity, desire and love through the consumption of human flesh.
Watch the full video essay below, share your thoughts with us @LWLies, and be sure to check out
Published 29 Oct 2018
By Leigh Singer
Video essayist Leigh Singer explores the use of the first-person perspective in horror cinema.
The director of Raw discusses why her film is a bold expression of female sexuality.