The team behind Game Night offer a peppy spin on the classic 1970s roleplaying game, with Chris Pine as a rogue seeking revenge on those who have wronged him.
Olivia Wilde's sophomore feature sees Florence Pugh and Harry Styles in a 1950s daydream where everything isn't quite what it seems.
There’s plenty of pizzazz in Patty Jenkins’ DC sequel, but it lacks the charm and personality of its predecessor.
Chris Pine is ill-cast as Robert the Bruce in this disastrous historical epic from writer/director David Mackenzie.
For all its ambition and artistic vision, Ava DuVernay’s glossy YA fairy tale fails to deliver.
A compelling story, neatly-drawn characters and an inspiring lead help this DC comic book movie to soar.
Jeff Bridges gives his best performance in years in this timely crime caper from David Mackenzie.
By Anton Bitel
Simon Pegg brings the funny on script detail in this rollicking second sequel in the latest Trek adventure.
Tony Scott maintains his high-octane style, but this has a more intimate feel than his other bombastic actioners.