Lakeshore Records is releasing the Original Netflix Series Soundtrack to Stranger Things in two parts this month – Volume One is out digitally 12 August and on CD 16 September, while Volume Two will arrive digitally 19 August and on CD 23 September. Both volumes feature the original score by Kyle Dixon and Michael Stein of experimental synth outfit S U R V I V E fame.
Writer/directors the Duffer Brothers used a song from the band’s debut LP in a trailer they made to pitch their concept to Netflix, and they were quickly brought on to write the full original score. Stein reveals that he and Dixon “discussed having a classic tone and feel to the music for the show but being reserved enough that it wasn’t ’80s cheese, while offering a refreshing quality so that felt modern.” Their approach certainly resonated with fans of the show, who have hailed the pair’s foreboding, synth-heavy score.
A love letter to the likes of E.T., Stand by Me, and other ’80s classics, the hit show stars Winona Ryder, David Harbour and Matthew Modine and is currently available to stream on Netflix.
Order the soundtrack from 12 August via
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