The feature debut from British director Ben Charles Edwards, Set the Thames on Fire is a dark dystopian comedy which follows two boys through the depraved backstreets of East London. The twisted tale features The Mighty Boosh’s Noel Fielding and Sadie Frost, the latter having worked with Edwards on two of his previous award-winning shorts, Animal Charm and Dotty. Take a look at this exclusive clip and let us know what you think @LWLies
Set the Thames on Fire is in cinemas from 16 September, on demand from 19 September and on DVD from 26 September. There’s also an exclusive preview screening on 14 September at Picturehouse Central with a Q&A featuring director Ben Charles Edwards and stars Sally Phillips, Sadie Frost, Lily Loveless, Max Bennett and Michael Winder. Tickets are available at
Published 11 Aug 2016
Actor Steve Oram has decided to make a movie, and the results are spectacularly disturbing.
By Anton Bitel
Ben Wheatley serves up a sensational 21st century satire that’s funny and frightening in equal measure.
Elle Fanning bares her soul in Nicolas Winding Refn’s beautiful dark twisted fantasy.