The heartbreaking story of Jennifer and June Gibbons feels undersold by Agnieszka Smoczynska's drama.
Letitia Wright and Tamara Lawrance star in this dramatisation of June and Jennifer Gibbons’ strange life story.
Letitia Wright and Tamara Lawrance star in Agnieszka Smoczyńska’s ambitious but flawed biographical feature.
In Agnieszka Smoczyńska’s latest, Letitia Wright and Tamara Lawrance play sisters with an unusual bond.
By Matt Thrift
Some of the strongest emerging voices in world cinema took centre stage at the Polish festival’s 18th edition.
Start getting excited for new works from Amma Asante, Marielle Heller and Mia Hansen-Løve.
Agnieszka Smoczynska’s The Lure raises a blood-stained middle finger to the likes of The Little Mermaid and Splash.