Pixar’s fish-out-of-water fable on the Italian Riviera takes its cues from vivid imagination of Studio Ghibli.
By Ella Kemp
The pains of prepubescence is the butt of this warm-hearted, foul-mouthed comedy from the makers of Superbad.
Shane Black exhumes this seminal ’80s monster franchise by paying homage to the abject nastiness of the original.
By Emily Bray
An explosion of cuddly warmth can be found in this gentle tale of a disfigured boy coming up against school bullies.
The director of Jurassic World skids off the rails in this bafflingly misguided kiddie revenge fantasia.
Brie Larson shines in this deceptively life-affirming drama about a young mother forced to raise her son in isolation.