Thomas von Steinaecker flips the camera on one of Germany's favourite filmmaking sons, investigating his long and far-reaching career.
By Anton Bitel
A hardened detective teams up with a young Edgar Allen Poe to solve a murder in Scott Cooper's chilly thriller.
Taika Waititi returns to the MCU five years after Thor: Ragnarok with a disappointing sequel sorely lacking in charm and imagination.
The might of Ford takes on the magic of Ferrari in this full-throttle motoring drama from James Mangold.
Adam McKay’s played-for-laughs portrait of former VP Dick Cheney strays into Bond villain parody.
Christian Bale gives it his actorly all as a jaded cavalry gunslinger in Scott Cooper’s dour, old-timey western.
By Sophie Wyatt
Hotel Rwanda’s Terry George returns with a colourful historical portrait of the Armenian Genocide.
Terrence Malick continues to inspire awe with this transcendent tale of a man looking back to past loves.
The director of Anchorman 2 dials back the screwball in this frisky tale of the sub-prime mortgage meltdown of 2007.
By Matt Thrift
A magnetic Christian Bale adds much-needed gravitas to this otherwise conventional blue-collar revenge saga.
Christopher Nolan’s baroque opus is a worthy trilogy closer, both seriously epic and epically serious.
By Kevin Maher
A formulaic boxing movie made utterly compelling by one of the most committed actors in the business.