Makoto Shinkai's third feature continues his fantastical vision with a teenage girl who accidentally opens a magical portal, but fails to make the same impact as Your Name and Weathering With You.
President Kristen Stewart will also pass judgement on films by Matt Johnson and Angela Schanelec.
Paramount and Toho will join forces for the body-swapping anime adaptation.
Your Name director Makoto Shinkai returns with a riveting fantasy romance backdropped by environmental ruin.
The shortlist was too short for Monos and these other standouts from 2019.
It’s a classic boy-meets-girl-who-can-control-the-rain story.
Makoto Shinkai’s blissful follow-up to his 2016 smash, Your Name, plants teen romance in a climate change disaster.
Meet the Japanese director behind the anime smash hit Your Name.