Alec Baldwin

The frenetic charm of Miami Blues

By Anton Bitel

George Armitage's 1990 neo-noir starring Alec Baldwin and Jennifer Jason Leigh is a chaotic game of cat and mouse.

Why excessive swearing is essential to Martin Scorsese’s The Departed

By Susannah Goldsbrough

Foul language and filthy humour characterise the cruel, cynical world of this hardboiled Boston-set crime-drama.

The King

By Sophie Monks Kaufman

Eugene Jarecki’s Elvis-inspired road movie doubles as a eulogy for the American Dream.


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About Little White Lies

Little White Lies was established in 2005 as a bi-monthly print magazine committed to championing great movies and the talented people who make them. Combining cutting-edge design, illustration and journalism, we’ve been described as being “at the vanguard of the independent publishing movement.” Our reviews feature a unique tripartite ranking system that captures the different aspects of the movie-going experience. We believe in Truth & Movies.

