Films directed by Eli Roth

Borderlands review – rage-quit worthy video game slop

By Juan Barquin

Eli Roth's slapdash adaptation of the brash video game series is a joyless slog despite the presence of Cate Blanchett.


The House with a Clock in Its Walls

By Anton Bitel

Eli Roth’s latest offering is a Harry Potter-fied version of a 1950s haunted house horror.


Death Wish

By Elena Lazic

Eli Roth and Bruce Willis combine forces for a frustratingly bland remake of Michael Winner’s vigilante classic.


The Green Inferno

By David Jenkins

Eli Roth pays homage to the cannibal exploration movie, but it’s all gore and no guts.


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About Little White Lies

Little White Lies was established in 2005 as a bi-monthly print magazine committed to championing great movies and the talented people who make them. Combining cutting-edge design, illustration and journalism, we’ve been described as being “at the vanguard of the independent publishing movement.” Our reviews feature a unique tripartite ranking system that captures the different aspects of the movie-going experience. We believe in Truth & Movies.

