By Weiting Liu
Kelly Fremon Craig’s take on Judy Bloom’s iconic preteen novel is a sweet tale of a young girl figuring out religion, boys and puberty.
Will Ferrell and Rachel McAdams are the Icelandic bar band who accidentally make it big in this occasionally effective comedy.
Rachel Weisz and Rachel McAdams are unable to lift this hackneyed tale of forbidden love.
Jason Bateman and Rachel McAdams’ weekly board game night takes a turn for the worse in this playful action comedy.
Animator Mark Osbourne puts a contemporary twist on this much adored children’s classic.
Tom McCarthy delivers an old-school journalistic thriller with the help of a sensational all-star cast.
A classic underdog saga comes full circle in this low impact boxing drama starring Jake Gyllenhaal.
Midnight in Paris isn’t a clutch at yesteryear; it’s a statement that Allen still has something left to say.