Wes Anderson adapts a Roald Dahl short story with his signature attention to detail and visual panache.
Director Sam Raimi injects some much needed personality into Marvel’s latest brand-building exercise.
By Lydia Figes
Benedict Cumberbatch is electric in Will Sharpe’s tumultuous portrait of a cat lover extraordinaire, supported by a stellar cast.
Tom Holland’s third solo Spidey outing brings some familiar faces to the party, but we’ve seen it all before.
Jane Campion’s claustrophobic, slow-burn western dials up the queer subtext of Thomas Savage’s source novel.
This star-studded retelling of the rivalry between electricity magnates Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse lacks dramatic spark.
Andy Serkis and an all-star cast fail to breathe new life into Rudyard Kipling’s cherished adventure.
At long last – a light, funny superhero movie that embraces the fantasy aspects of the genre in both its story and form.
By Vadim Rizov
Despite Johnny Depp’s best efforts, this by the numbers gangster biopic doesn’t do its story justice.
Benedict Cumberbatch’s pitch perfect turn as Alan Turing isn’t enough to decipher this remarkable true story.
Cumberbitches rest easy: JJ Abrams ably navigates the USS Enterprise through dark skies.
Gary Oldman puts in a career-best shift in this gripping story of duplicity and paranoia.